

The international specification for Technical Publications (S1000D) is currently managed by an international consortium of government and industry representatives appointed by ASD. In order to improve the coordination between the international community and the United States Government and Industry, a parallel structure is needed to consolidate and validate change recommendations prior to their submittal to the international group. This document details the structure of the two joint Government and Industry teams.

A US Specification Management Group (USSMG) will be established for the purpose of evaluating US generated change recommendations prior to submittal to the Steering Committee along with evaluating the impact of recommended changes received by the Steering Committee. This working group is sanctioned jointly by DoD OSD, Joint Services IETM Technology Working Group and the Aerospace Industries Association Product Support Committee Technical Publications Activity.

One industry representative and one government representative shall chair the USSMG. The industry representative will be responsible for gaining the insight and consensus of the industry partners interested in the outcomes of the specification, while the government representative shall be responsible for gaining the insight and consensus of the four branches of the US military and the DoD. The AIA Technical Publications Activity will name an industry co-chair on a two year, rotational basis, with the first industry appointment serving over a three year period to establish a staggered tenure to facilitate overlapping of chairs between the government and industry.


The OSD and the Joint Services IETM Technology Working Group shall confirm a nominee as government co-chair, to serve on a two-year, rotational basis. The government nominees shall be recommended on a service branch rotation, beginning with the Air Force. In the event that either chair is unable to fulfill the full length of their term, a chair pro-tem will be named to finish out the remainder of the term.

In the event that there are conflicting views for recommended changes the two sources of input (Industry and Government) shall be resolved by the chairpersons and a coherent, single approach will be formulated for preparation of a Change Proposal Form (CPF) to the TPSMG. The entry point to the TPSMG remains through the AIA representative to that committee.

The method of operation for the USSMG will be through virtual teaming and meeting arrangement wherever possible. Meeting arrangements will be the responsibility of the chairpersons. Physical meetings will be arranged periodically to allow for clarification of complex subject matter and to summarize major activities to the US participants.

To assist the USSMG in defining and submitting US interests toward the specification, the US Specification Implementation Group (USSIG) is established by the AIA Technical Publications Activity. The USSIG is responsible for recommending detailed technical solutions to implement policy established by the USSMG. The USSIG also performs technical feasibility reviews on submitted changes and advises the USSMG on a course forward. The USSIG will also examine technologies and present recommendations to the USSMG for consideration and tasking. The USSIG will perform other technical analyses and tasks as directed by the USSMG.

The USSIG participates with, and within, the EPWG to ensure complete interoperability between the two functions.

One industry representative and one government representative shall chair the USSIG. OSD and the Joint Services IETM Technology Working Group shall name the government co-chair on a two year, rotational basis, with the first government appointment serving over a three year period to establish a staggered tenure to facilitate overlapping of chairs between the government and industry. The government nominees shall be recommended on a service branch rotation, beginning with the Air Force. The Technical Publications Activity will name an industry co-chair on a two-year, rotational basis. In the event that either chair is unable to fulfill the full length of their term, a chair pro-tem will be named to finish out the remainder of the term.

The position of USSMG Secretary may be invoked, at the discretion of the chairs of the USSMG. The tasks of the Secretary include ensuring the following tasks are accomplished: meeting agendas and minutes are drafted and posted to the web; the official web-site is updated regarding sub-project status, CPF status and tracking; and administrative control of document versioning, ownership, and status. The position is one of appointment by the chairs of the USSMG, the term of which, may run indefinitely, providing the appointee gains adequate support for the role from his/her originating organization.

Membership in the USSMG and USSIG is open to all DoD personnel and AIA members as coordinated through the chairpersons of each group.

The operating principle of these groups is consensus building. Should an irreconcilable difference arise, the matter shall be presented to the AIA Technical Publications Activity, OSD and the Joint Services IETM Technology Working Group for resolution.

Appointment for the USSMG and the USSIG shall be conducted concurrent with the annual AIA/Joint Services Publications Work Shop.